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A game by Core-Series
Dec 15 2021
We are currently running a poll if we should launch second season of Zesoria unmanaged, you find it here.
Feb 20 2021
The issue we had that prevented players from logging in has been solved!
Feb 19 2021
We're currently having little background issues preventing people from login, you can bypass the issue by change your password to same you currently have, we're working to solve this issue as fast as possible!
Feb 08 2021
Today we released client version 1.61, if you're using Windows client it will automatically download itself. If you use other kind of client you may need to download the latest version!
Feb 08 2021
Zesoria has been closed and cleaned and being prepared for it's first official season!
Changelog: Latest entry was made 1152 days ago. Cheaters: Latest cheater deleted 554 days ago.
Items > Valuables > Gold Coin
Gold Coin
primary valuable for trades
Weight:0.10 oz

Alawar's Vault Quest, Bear Room Quest, Berserker Treasure Quest, Elvenbane Quest, Giant Smithhammer Quest, Goblin Temple Quest, Longsword Quest, Skull Of Ratha Quest, Steel Helmet Quest,

Dropped by:
Amazon, Ancient Scarab, Apocalypse, Aramth, Ashmunrah, Assassin, Bandit, Banshee, Barbarian Bloodwalker, Barbarian Brutetamer, Barbarian Headsplitter, Barbarian Skullhunter, Bazir, Behemoth, Beholder, Bestle, Betrayed Wraith, Black Knight, Blightwalker, Blue Djinn, Bog Raider, Bonebeast, Bug, Carniphila, Cave Rat, Cenater, Centipede, Chakoya Toolshaper, Chakoya Tribewarden, Chakoya Windcaller, Crab, Crocodile, Crypt Shambler, Crystal Spider, Cyclops, Cyclops Drone, Cyclops Smith, Dark Monk, Dark Torturer, Defiler, Demodras, Demon, Demon Skeleton, Destroyer, Dharalion, Diabolic Imp, Dipthrah, Dragon, Dragon Hatchling, Dragon Lord, Dragon Lord Hatchling, Dwarf, Dwarf Geomancer, Dwarf Guard, Dwarf Soldier, Dworc Fleshhunter, Dworc Venomsniper, Dworc Voodoomaster, Earth Elemental, Efreet, Elder Beholder, Elder Wyrm, Elf, Elf Arcanist, Elf Scout, Fernfang, Ferumbras, Frost Dragon, Frost Giant, Frost Giantess, Frost Troll, Fury, Gamemaster, Gargoyle, Gazer, General Murius, Ghastly Dragon, Ghoul, Giant Spider, Goblin, Green Djinn, Grim Reaper, Grorlam, Hand Of Cursed Fate, Hellfire Fighter, Hellspawn, Hero, Hydra, Ice Golem, Infernalist, Infernatil, Juggernaut, Kongra, Larva, Lich, Lizard Dragon Priest, Lizard High Guard, Lizard Legionnaire, Lizard Sentinel, Lizard Snakecharmer, Lizard Templar, Lost Soul, Magician, Mahrdis, Mammoth, Marid, Medusa, Merlkin, Mimic, Minotaur, Minotaur Archer, Minotaur Guard, Minotaur Mage, Monk, Morguthis, Mummy, Necromancer, Necropharus, Nightmare, Omruc, Orc, Orc Berserker, Orc Leader, Orc Rider, Orc Shaman, Orc Spearman, Orc Warlord, Orc Warrior, Orshabaal, Oyser, Panther, Pirate Buccaneer, Pirate Corsair, Pirate Cutthroat, Pirate Ghost, Pirate Marauder, Pirate Skeleton, Plaguesmith, Poison Spider, Poliynst, Quara Constrictor, Quara Hydromancer, Quara Mantassin, Quara Pincher, Quara Predator, Rahemos, Ranork Maruk, Ranork Minion, Ranork Morka, Rat, Rotworm, Scarab, Semsi, Serpent Spawn, Sibang, Skeleton, Smuggler, Snout Evla, Snout Morgul, Spectre, Spider, Spit Nettle, Stalker, Stone Golem, Swamp Troll, Swampling Berserker, Swampling Mage, Swampling Scout, Swampling Warrior, Tarantula, Terror Bird, Thalas, The Evil Eye, The Horned Fox, The Old Orc, The Old Widow, Thornback Tortoise, Tortoise, Troll, Tyrant, Undead Dragon, Valkyrie, Vampire, Vashresamun, War Golem, Warlock, Waspid, Wild Warrior, Witch, Worker Golem, Wyrm, Yeti,

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