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A game by Core-Series
Dec 15 2021
We are currently running a poll if we should launch second season of Zesoria unmanaged, you find it here.
Feb 20 2021
The issue we had that prevented players from logging in has been solved!
Feb 19 2021
We're currently having little background issues preventing people from login, you can bypass the issue by change your password to same you currently have, we're working to solve this issue as fast as possible!
Feb 08 2021
Today we released client version 1.61, if you're using Windows client it will automatically download itself. If you use other kind of client you may need to download the latest version!
Feb 08 2021
Zesoria has been closed and cleaned and being prepared for it's first official season!
Changelog: Latest entry was made 1152 days ago. Cheaters: Latest cheater deleted 554 days ago.
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Guild War
General Information
Any active guild can invite another guild to a war.
They can do that on their guild panel, and set a limit of kills, length of the war and price.
The price is whatever any of the guild has to pay, to abort the war before it expires.
If any of the guilds reach the limits of kills, the war is over.

During war, you will not gain any frags for killed enemies.
You, and your friends will be wearing this symbol to let you know you're all friends.
While your enemy guild will be wearing this symbol to let you know all of them are enemies.

You can only start war with a guild that's active (has enough vice leaders and members to not have a disband warning).
A guild can only have 3 active wars at same time and while a guild is in an active war, no members can join/leave the guild.

Settings of War
When declaring war, you can chose which settings to use during the war, these settings are as following:

Max kills of war (1 - 1,000)
The guild who get the amount of kills first wins and the war is finished.

Price to abort (1 - 100,000,000 gp)
This is the price the guild have to pay to abort the war.

Max days of war (1 - 30)
This is the amount of days the war will last maximum in case no guild have reached the amount of kills.

Members allowed to join/leave during war (yes/no)
This define if players are allowed to join/leave a guild during it's active war phase.

Disable function of AOL/Bless (yes/no)
This will define if AOL/Bless will be working when being killed by enemies within the war.
If disabled AOL/Bless, the AOL will not break on death and might be dropped as loot, and blessings will not reduce losses and neither will they break.

Use custom item/exp/skill loss (default / 0 - 30%)
When using the default, losses will be just normal, based on player vocation and AOL/Bless.
When using 0% there will be no losses in neither items, exp or skills (AOL/Bless will not be used either).
When using anything between 1-30% the drop-chance of items will be exactly that value even if you're blessed or have promotion.
This also means that no matter your vocation or blessings, you will lose this very percent of your total exp/skills!

Gain exp from kills (no / 10-50%)
If you're using any of the value between 10-50% that means you'll gain those percent of the experience your enemy loses in a death.
During a guild war, there's no level limits on who you can gain experience from, however there's a few restrictions of how much you can gain and how many times.
When you kill an enemy and gain experience, you can never gain more than half of your own current experience.
You also lose 20% of the gained exp for every time you kill the same enemy, making after 5 kills you'll not get any more experience from that player until after server-save.

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