MasterCores -Support
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A game by Core-Series
Dec 15 2021
We are currently running a poll if we should launch second season of Zesoria unmanaged, you find it here.
Feb 20 2021
The issue we had that prevented players from logging in has been solved!
Feb 19 2021
We're currently having little background issues preventing people from login, you can bypass the issue by change your password to same you currently have, we're working to solve this issue as fast as possible!
Feb 08 2021
Today we released client version 1.61, if you're using Windows client it will automatically download itself. If you use other kind of client you may need to download the latest version!
Feb 08 2021
Zesoria has been closed and cleaned and being prepared for it's first official season!
Changelog: Latest entry was made 1141 days ago. Cheaters: Latest cheater deleted 543 days ago.
2b * Spamming Excessively repeating identical or similar statements or using badly formatted or nonsensical text.
Excessively repeating identical or similar statements:
You surely know from experience how annoying it can be if players flood the public channels in the game, e.g. by repeating the same sentence every few seconds. This makes it impossible to lead proper conversations or to announce offers. Of course, there is an automatic control to prevent the worst spamming in the local chat and all public channels. Thus, you may not write more than one line of text every 2.5 seconds for a longer period of time. Also, you will only be allowed to state your offer or request once every two minutes in the advertising channel. Players who evade the spam control by slowly repeating messages that disturb conversations may still be banished for spamming. This rule applies also for repeating the same statement in the forum. Please make a post only on the one board on which the content of your post fits best.

Using badly formatted or nonsensical text:
You should not create nonsensical postings to keep threads alive. Only reply to threads if you have something to say, e.g. do not just reply "hehe" to each thread just because you would like to raise your post count.
In general, you should always refrain from making nonsensical statements such as "asdfsdfskhjkh". Also, please note that badly formatted text such as "-*-*-*-*I $eLl @rr0wzz*-*-*-*-" is not desirable in public chat channels or on the MasterCores website and may lead to a punishment just like plain spamming.

Seasonal 85x-2x rate
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