We are currently running a poll if we should launch second season of Zesoria unmanaged, you find it here.

The issue we had that prevented players from logging in has been solved!

We're currently having little background issues preventing people from login, you can bypass the issue by change your password to same you currently have, we're working to solve this issue as fast as possible!

Today we released client version 1.61, if you're using Windows client it will automatically download itself. If you use other kind of client you may need to download the latest version!

Zesoria has been closed and cleaned and being prepared for it's first official season!
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In MasterCores we care a lot about the fairness of the game and will keep it clean without adding additional restrictions that could ruin the game play.
Our first step in keeping the game clean, is a client that is not very bot-friendly.
After that we are rolling with a client vs game detection that will be keeping eyes on all kind of cheaters.
Even simple macros (keyboard recorders) are detected.
So we can honestly say, MasterCores will be one of the most clean games you've ever played!
Whoever get detected for cheating, will face a total account deletion without a chance to take it back.
Our first step in keeping the game clean, is a client that is not very bot-friendly.
After that we are rolling with a client vs game detection that will be keeping eyes on all kind of cheaters.
Even simple macros (keyboard recorders) are detected.
So we can honestly say, MasterCores will be one of the most clean games you've ever played!
Whoever get detected for cheating, will face a total account deletion without a chance to take it back.